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Meet the Fine Arts Faculty

Jeff Spencer, MFA
Associate Professor of Art

BA Painting, Printmaking, University of Nebraska, Omaha
MFA Printing, Drawing, University of Tennessee

jspencer [at]
Sarah Klocke, MFA
Director, Theatre & Communications Programs
Associate Professor of Theatre & Communications

BA Speech, Arkansas Tech University
MFA Film, Theatre and Communication Arts, University of New Orleans
EdD(c) Educational Leadership, College of saint Mary

Areas of Expertise
Directing for the stage, scenic design, growth mindset and the fine and performing arts

Accomplishments and Published Articles
McAuley Teaching Excellence Award, 赌球平台推荐台 2022
Inspiring Excellence Award, 赌球平台推荐台 2023
KCACTG Citizen Artist Award, 2023

Chair of Representation, Equity, and Diversity, Kenedy Center American College Theater Festival, Region 5

sklocke [at]